Source code for slot

Module containing classes that read, manipulate, and write slots.

.. module:: slot
.. moduleauthor: Paul Bromwell Jr.
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, List, Union
from xml.etree import ElementTree

from gnewcash.file_formats import GnuCashXMLObject, GnuCashSQLiteObject

[docs]class Slot(GnuCashXMLObject, GnuCashSQLiteObject): """Represents a slot in GnuCash.""" sqlite_slot_type_mapping = { 1: 'integer', 2: 'double', 3: 'numeric', 4: 'string', 5: 'guid', 9: 'guid', 10: 'gdate' } def __init__(self, key: str, value: Any, slot_type: str) -> None: self.key: str = key self.value: Any = value self.type: str = slot_type @property def as_xml(self) -> ElementTree.Element: """ Returns the current slot as GnuCash-compatible XML. :return: Current slot as XML :rtype: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element """ slot_node: ElementTree.Element = ElementTree.Element('slot') ElementTree.SubElement(slot_node, 'slot:key').text = self.key slot_value_node = ElementTree.SubElement(slot_node, 'slot:value', {'type': self.type}) if self.type == 'gdate': ElementTree.SubElement(slot_value_node, 'gdate').text = datetime.strftime(self.value, '%Y-%m-%d') elif self.type in ['string', 'guid', 'numeric']: slot_value_node.text = self.value elif self.type in ['integer', 'double']: slot_value_node.text = str(self.value) elif isinstance(self.value, list) and self.value: for sub_slot in self.value: slot_value_node.append(sub_slot.as_xml) elif self.type == 'frame': pass # Empty frame element, just leave it else: raise NotImplementedError('Slot type {} is not implemented.'.format(self.type)) return slot_node
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, slot_node: ElementTree.Element, namespaces: Dict[str, str]) -> 'Slot': """ Creates a Slot object from the GnuCash XML. :param slot_node: XML node for the slot :type slot_node: ElementTree.Element :param namespaces: XML namespaces for GnuCash elements :type namespaces: dict[str, str] :return: Slot object from XML :rtype: Slot """ key_node: Optional[ElementTree.Element] = slot_node.find('slot:key', namespaces) if key_node is None or not key_node.text: raise ValueError('slot:key missing or empty in slot node') key: str = key_node.text value_node: Optional[ElementTree.Element] = slot_node.find('slot:value', namespaces) if value_node is None: raise ValueError('slot:value missing in slot node') slot_type = value_node.attrib['type'] value: Any = None if slot_type == 'gdate': value_gdate_node: Optional[ElementTree.Element] = value_node.find('gdate') if value_gdate_node is None: raise ValueError('slot type is gdate but missing gdate node') if not value_gdate_node.text: raise ValueError('slot type is gdate but gdate node is empty') value = datetime.strptime(value_gdate_node.text, '%Y-%m-%d') elif slot_type in ['string', 'guid', 'numeric']: value = value_node.text elif slot_type == 'integer' and value_node.text: value = int(value_node.text) elif slot_type == 'double' and value_node.text: value = Decimal(value_node.text) else: child_tags: List[str] = list(set(map(lambda x: x.tag, value_node))) if len(child_tags) == 1 and child_tags[0] == 'slot': value = [Slot.from_xml(x, namespaces) for x in value_node] elif slot_type == 'frame': value = None # Empty frame element, just leave it else: raise NotImplementedError('Slot type {} is not implemented.'.format(slot_type)) return cls(key, value, slot_type)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sqlite(cls, sqlite_cursor, object_id): """ Creates Slot objects from the GnuCash SQLite database. :param sqlite_cursor: Open cursor to the SQLite database :type sqlite_cursor: sqlite3.Cursor :param object_id: ID of the object that the slot belongs to :type object_id: str :return: Slot objects from SQLite :rtype: list[Slot] """ slot_info = cls.get_sqlite_table_data(sqlite_cursor, 'slots', 'obj_guid = ?', (object_id,)) new_slots = [] for slot in slot_info: slot_type = cls.sqlite_slot_type_mapping[slot['slot_type']] slot_name = slot['name'] if slot_type == 'guid': slot_value = slot['guid_val'] elif slot_type == 'string': slot_value = slot['string_val'] elif slot_type == 'gdate': slot_value = datetime.strptime(slot['gdate_val'], '%Y%m%d') else: raise NotImplementedError('Slot type {} is not implemented.'.format(slot['slot_type'])) new_slot = cls(slot_name, slot_value, slot_type) new_slots.append(new_slot) return new_slots
[docs] def to_sqlite(self, sqlite_cursor): # slot_action = self.get_db_action(sqlite_cursor, 'slots', ) # TODO: Slots don't have GUIDs. Need to store the DB ID in the object. raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SlottableObject(object): """Class used to consolidate storing and retrieving slot values.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super(SlottableObject, self).__init__() self.slots: List[Slot] = []
[docs] def get_slot_value(self, key: str) -> Any: """ Retrieves the value of the slot given a certain key. :param key: Name of the slot :type key: str :return: Slot value :rtype: Any """ if not self.slots: return None target_slot: List[Slot] = list(filter(lambda x: x.key == key, self.slots)) if not target_slot: return None return target_slot[0].value
[docs] def set_slot_value(self, key: str, value: Any, slot_type: str) -> None: """ Sets the value of the slot given a certain key and slot type. :param key: Name of the slot :type key: str :param value: New value of the slot :type value: Any :param slot_type: Type of slot :type slot_type: str """ target_slot: List[Slot] = list(filter(lambda x: x.key == key, self.slots)) if target_slot: target_slot[0].value = value else: self.slots.append(Slot(key, value, slot_type))
[docs] def set_slot_value_bool(self, key: str, value: Union[str, bool], slot_type: str) -> None: """ Helper function for slots that expect "true" or "false" GnuCash-side. Converts "true" (case insensitive) and True to "true". Converts "false" (case insensitive) and False to "false". :param key: :type key: str :param value: New value of the slot :type value: bool|str :param slot_type: Type of slot :type slot_type: str """ if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == 'true': value = True elif isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == 'false': value = False elif isinstance(value, bool): value = value else: raise ValueError('"bool" slot values must be "true", "false", True, or False.') value = 'true' if value else 'false' self.set_slot_value(key, value, slot_type)