
class transaction.Transaction[source]

Represents a transaction in GnuCash.


URI associated with the transaction.

Returns:URI associated with the transaction
Return type:str

Checks if all splits in the transaction are cleared.

Returns:Boolean indicating if all splits in the transaction are cleared.
Return type:bool
mark_transaction_cleared() → None[source]

Marks all splits in the transaction as cleared (reconciled_state = ‘c’).


Notes on the transaction.

Returns:Notes tied to the transaction
Return type:str

GUID of the transaction that reverses this transaction.

Returns:Transaction GUID
Return type:str

Reason that the transaction was voided.

Returns:Reason that the transaction was voided
Return type:str

Time that the transaction was voided.

Returns:Time that the transaction was voided
Return type:str

Void status.

Returns:Void status
Return type:str
class transaction.Split(account: Optional[gnewcash.account.Account], amount: Optional[decimal.Decimal], reconciled_state: str = 'n')[source]

Represents a split in GnuCash.

class transaction.TransactionManager[source]

Class used to add/remove transactions, maintaining a chronological order based on transaction posted date.

add(new_transaction: transaction.Transaction) → None[source]

Adds a transaction to the transaction manager.

Parameters:new_transaction (Transaction) – Transaction to add
delete(transaction: transaction.Transaction) → None[source]

Removes a transaction from the transaction manager.

Parameters:transaction (Transaction) – Transaction to remove
get_account_ending_balance(account: gnewcash.account.Account) → decimal.Decimal[source]

Retrieves the ending balance for the provided account given the list of transactions in the manager.

Parameters:account (Account) – Account to get the ending balance for
Returns:Account starting balance
Return type:decimal.Decimal
get_account_starting_balance(account: gnewcash.account.Account) → decimal.Decimal[source]

Retrieves the starting balance for the current account, given the list of transactions.

Parameters:account (Account) – Account to get starting balance of.
Returns:First transaction amount if the account has transactions, otherwise 0.
Return type:decimal.Decimal
get_balance_at_date(account: gnewcash.account.Account, date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None) → decimal.Decimal[source]

Retrieves the account balance for the current account at a certain date, given the list of transactions.

If the provided date is None, it will retrieve the ending balance.

  • account (Account) – Account to get the balance of
  • date (datetime.datetime) – Last date to consider when determining the account balance.

Account balance at specified date (or ending balance) or 0, if no applicable transactions were found.

Return type:


get_transactions(account: Optional[gnewcash.account.Account] = None) → Iterator[transaction.Transaction][source]

Generator function that gets transactions based on a from account and/or to account for the transaction.

Parameters:account (Account) – Account to retrieve transactions for (default None, all transactions)
Returns:Generator that produces transactions based on the given from account and/or to account
Return type:Iterator[Transaction]
minimum_balance_past_date(account: gnewcash.account.Account, date: datetime.datetime) → Tuple[Optional[decimal.Decimal], Optional[datetime.datetime]][source]

Gets the minimum balance for the account after a certain date, given the list of transactions.

  • account (Account) – Account to get the minimum balance information of
  • date (datetime.datetime) – datetime object representing the date you want to find the minimum balance for.

Tuple containing the minimum balance (element 0) and the date it’s at that balance (element 1)

Return type:


class transaction.ScheduledTransaction[source]

Class that represents a scheduled transaction in Gnucash.

class transaction.SimpleTransaction[source]

Class used to simplify creating and manipulating Transactions that only have 2 splits.


Dollar amount for funds transferred.

Returns:Dollar amount for funds transferred.
Return type:decimal.Decimal

Account which the transaction transfers funds from.

Returns:Account which the transaction transfers funds from.
Return type:Account
classmethod from_transaction(other: transaction.Transaction) → transaction.SimpleTransaction[source]

Creates a SimpleTransaction from a regular Transaction.


Account which the transaction transfers funds to.

Returns:Account which the transaction transfers funds to.
Return type:Account