
Catch-all ,odule containing methods that might be helpful to GNewCash users.

utils.delete_log_files(gnucash_file_path: str) → None[source]

Deletes log files at the specified directory.

Parameters:gnucash_file_path (str) – Directory to delete log files
utils.safe_iso_date_formatting(date_obj: datetime.datetime) → str[source]

Attempts for format a date with timezone information. If it fails, it tries to format without timezone information.

Parameters:date_obj (datetime.datetime) – Date object to format
Returns:Formatted date string
Return type:str
utils.safe_iso_date_parsing(date_string: str) → datetime.datetime[source]

Attempts to parse a date with timezone information. If it fails, it tries to parse without timezone information.

Parameters:date_string (str) – Date string to parse
Returns:Parsed date object
Return type:datetime.datetime